Friday, September 17, 2010

Cheesecake mmmm

There are times when I am out for coffee with my friends and find myself staring long and hard into the cake cabinet drooling over beautifully presented cakes that have been strategical placed as to catch the eyes of those waiting to be served, any form of calorie counting instantly go out the window as my gaze deepens with desire, as I procrastinate over which dessert to thicken my hips with I always find myself leaning toward the very creamy and Moorish delights of cheesecake.

 Although I enjoy spooning cheesecake into my mouth whilst oohing and ahhing as it slides down my throat whilst I sit with my friends in the ambiance of my favorite coffee shop, I find it particularly satisfying to make a cheesecake in the comfort of my own home. I am a huge fan of the no bake cheesecake, filled with condensed milk and lemon juice, it is, as the expression goes as easy as pie to make.

Firstly,  turn one packet of Butter Crunch biscuits into crumbs, these days people use a food processor to do so, being an old fashioned girl and not being lucky enough to own such a tool, I place my biscuit's in a large zip lock bag and beat the living day lights out of them using a rolling pin until they resemble fine bread crumbs, I place them into a bowl and add a teaspoon of Cinnamon and 125g of melted butter, I mix them until they are well combined and then turn my crumb base into a lined spring form pan, I press them into shape using my fingers and palms and then place my base in the fridge to chill, I then beat 2 x 250g tubs of Cream Cheese using an electric mixture until smooth, to that I add one tin of condensed milk, beating once more until they are well combined, I add the freshly squeezed juice of two lemons that have had 2 level table spoons of gelatin dissolved in it, and as repetitious as it sounds I then mix it all until well combined, to that I fold in half a 600ml tub of thickened cream, I pour my luscious creation into the prepared tin, I sprinkle it liberally with cinnamon and then place it in the fridge to chill until firm.

Whilst waiting impatiently for my heavenly dessert to chill I curl up on my couch with the bowl and a wooden spoon, I scrape the sides of the bowl with the spoon and eat the left over delights, fending off the kittens as I do so, for if for the slightest moment I drop my guard they would pounce at the bowl and lick it clean leaving no trace of there ever being a cheese cake made in it and causing a ruckus as they bicker over who will be first in line in the pecking order.

Once chilled and my penance in patience has been served I remove my sinful creation from the fridge, I unclasp the spring form pan and remove my cake, I cut it into slices and serve it with swirls of fresh cream and strawberries all along promising myself that I will in deed be good and eat only a slither, with that slither of course being backed up by yet another slither until I have consumed a full slice, the little Lucifer sitting on my shoulder convincing me that it is the right thing to do, besides I wouldn't like to upset the chef would I?

Cheese cake is dead easy to make, it is a perfect dessert for family get togethers and can be dressed up to be fancy by setting jelly on top of it once it is set and serving it with cream and fresh fruit or can you keep it simple and sweet, by serving it with a scoop of ice cream .

Cooking is a joy and sharing that experience is brilliant to everyone that is involved, share the experience of making a cheese cake with your children if you are lucky enough to have some, let them man the beaters and watch as the batter spits from the bowl and covers your kitchen bench with condensed milk, watch them as they press the biscuit base into the pan and help them as they lick the bowl when you are done. If you don't have any children of your own why not share the experience with a friend.

I must be off now, I have the aromas of a chicken and asparagus quiche filling my home and I must go and tend to it, happy cooking to all of you that are reading this and I hope that your baking experience is a successful one. Till the next time I write, good bye.

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